Constitution & Bylaws |  Download Standing Rules

Reorganized and added to … July 2021

1. Independent specialties shall take precedence over non-independent specialties.
2. At IHCUS National and Independent Specialties, the Show Chair and the Show Secretary will NOT exhibit any dogs, whether owned or co-owned by themselves or anyone else. This restriction does not apply to IHCUS Designated Specialties nor Supported Entries.
3. All IHCUS Sanctioned Events must submit an application, which has to include a budge, to the Board for approval. IHCUS Sanctioned Events may apply for seed money, not to exceed $1000.00, after event has been approved. (7.2021)
4. For IHCUS Specialties, all Committee Chairs must be IHCUS members. Non-members may help the Committee Chairs.
5. Incidents or complaints arising from conduct occurring during the time a show committee is in charge of an event, as defined by the AKC, must be brought before the show committee (i.e.: AKC Rules Governing Discipline).
6. Incidents or complaints arising from actions outside the scope of authority of a show committee may be submitted directly to IHCUS (i.e.: the IHCUS Constitution and Bylaws. (10.2013)  If the offending party also wishes IHCUS to address their complaint, they must submit *proof that the complaint was addressed by the show committee at the event where it occurred.

*Must submit the determination of the show committee regarding the complaint.

7. Types of Membership Described
Full Membership – Any individual or family that pay the yearly dues. Full membership includes the right to vote on all items brought before the membership and the right to hold an office or board position.
Honorary – An individual who has made significant contributions to the Sport, Breed or the Club; Honorary members do not enjoy voting for constitutional changes, breed standard changes, or election of officers and board members, nor  office holding privileges unless they pay the yearly dues.
Foreign – An individual or family that resides outside the contiguous boundaries of the United States. Foreign members do not enjoy voting for constitutional changes, breed standard changes, or election of officers and board members, nor office holding privileges.
8. New Member Applicant Sponsors must be a member in good standing and must have been a member for a minimum of one year (9.2013)
9. New Member Applicant/Sponsor relationships based solely on “Social Media” does not constitute “knowing” the person. (9.2013)

10. All Board ballots conducted by U.S. Postal Service will have a minimum three-week turnaround time from date of mailing by the Secretary to date of receipt by the Secretary. The exception being any ballot proposal that requires a Board discussion before voting. The turnaround time on these ballot proposals shall be two weeks.
11. All board ballots conducted by electronic mail will have a maximum ten-day turnaround time from date of mailing by the secretary to date of receipt by the Secretary. The exception being any ballot proposal that requires a Board discussion before voting. The turnaround time on these ballot proposals shall be seven days.

Last updated (Amended July 5, 2021)