It is believed that the Ibizan Hound’s origins date back at least 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest pure-bred dogs in existence today. These hounds were often the theme in Egyptian art. Tracing back to 3100 B.C., a concave dish (called the Golenischeff plate) was found at Nagada in upper Egypt. Three leashed hounds with erect ears and tall lean bodies are portrayed.
Drawings of these ancient hounds, so strikingly similar to the Ibizan, have been found in hieroglyphs and in the tombs of pharohs dating back to 3100 B.C. (including Ptolemy and Nefermat (2650 B.C.), Mereku and Tutankhamon). Even the head of Anubis resembles that of the Ibizan.
The Balearic Islands
The Phoenicians brought this breed to the Balearic Islands (located off the coast of Spain), during the 8th and 9th centuries B.C. They remained there, unspoiled for two thousand years. They were bred as “rabbit dogs” with farmers only keeping the keenest and strongest hunters to help feed the farmer’s families. Ibizans have been known to “bring down” much bigger game including deer.
Video: Ibizan Hound History (in Spanish)
Introduction to the United States and AKC Recognition
The breed was introduced to the United States in 1956 by Colonel and Mrs. Consuelo Seone. The AKC recognized the Ibizan Hound in 1978 and made it’s first appearance at the Westminster Kennel Club show in 1980. (PDF Download of “Journey to Recognition by Nan Little)

A modern-day heiroglyph?