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The IHCUS Crisis fund was created to provide direct support and care for all qualified participants who find themselves in hardship related but not limited to owner illness, canine illness, natural disaster, or other crisis as reviewed and approved by the committee and IHCUS BOD.

1. IHCUS members in good standing
2. Meet the necessary requirements for assistance as expressed in this document hereafter.

The IHCUS crisis fund has been established to provide incremental relief for those suffering from the devastating realities of life altering events.

Note: The Maximum amount of assistance IHCUS is able to provide is $500.00.  The Crisis Committee and/or IHCUS Board has the discretion to grant a lesser amount than requested if the application is approved.

Funds are never released to individuals for personal use but are rather distributed in such a fashion as to directly alleviate the financial stress associated with crisis directly.

The Crisis committee reviews all applications and makes a timely ruling based on the information you provide. The committee may ask for more details in order to make an effective ruling. Once a ruling is made the decision is passed to the IHCUS BOD of directors for approval.

Get the IHCUS Crisis Form here

For more information or if you have questions please contact the Crisis Chair